Wyszukiwarka ofert pracy VINCI

Chief Executive Officer F/H

Informations générales

Entité de rattachement

Leader mondial du stockage souterrain d'énergies, GEOSTOCK, filiale de VINCI Construction Grands Projets, intervient dans les domaines du conseil, de l'ingénierie, de la construction et de l'exploitation.
Créé il y a plus de 50 ans pour développer les réserves stratégiques d'hydrocarbures de la France et assurer la sécurité énergétique du pays, GEOSTOCK est devenu un groupe international, présent partout dans le monde. Intervenant tout au long du cycle de vie d'un site de stockage, GEOSTOCK a acquis un savoir-faire unique sur l'ensemble des techniques de stockage souterrain, et ce pour tout type d'énergie. Son expertise dans le stockage des énergies décarbonées (hydrogène, air comprimé…) et du CO2 permet à GEOSTOCK de prendre une part active dans la transition énergétique.





E-mail du contact (mobilité interne)


Description du poste


DIRECTION OPERATIONNELLE / MANAGEMENT - Directeur de filiales/agences/directeur régional

Intitulé du poste

Chief Executive Officer F/H

Type de contrat

Contrat à durée indéterminée

Description de la mission

We are looking to hire a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to head the US-based affiliate of the Geostock group, itself based in Paris (France) and part of the French VINCI group.

Based in Houston (Texas), Geostock Sandia LLC (GKS) is the result of the acquisition of Sandia and its merger with Geostock US. As such, GKS has integrated the activities of both companies, namely:

- for Geostock: engineering consultancy services related to the design, construction supervision and operation of underground storage facilities for liquid, liquified and gaseous hydrocarbons and other products which can be stored underground such as CO2, H2 and Ammonia, using all techniques: leached salt caverns, mines rock caverns and porous media;

- for Sandia: consulting and engineering/field services related to the drilling of Class 1 wells, for the disposal of chemical effluents, and Class 6 wells for the sequestration of CO2.

The company currently employs some 25 full-time staff and achieves about US$ 25 million in annual sales.

Geostock Holding being an unmanned entity, the overall management and coordination of the Geostock group activities is ensured by Geostock SAS (GK SAS).


The CEO will be the first in command in GKS.

He/She will report to GK SAS, either directly to the CEO or to any other manager(s) nominated by the CEO for this purpose, as the case may be.

He/She will be responsible for and supervise and control all aspects of the company’s business.

His/her responsibilities will include:

-          Supervising and coordinating the company’s operations

-          Preparing a mid-term business plan (3 to 5 years) and presenting it to GK SAS’s management for review and adoption.

-          Preparing and monitoring an annual action plan consistent with the Business Plan.

-          HSE: improving/developing formal HSE processes, promoting awareness and ensuring compliance.

-          Quality: improving/developing formal Quality processes, promoting awareness and ensuring compliance.

-          Ethics: putting in place formal Ethics processes in line with VINCI Group(s requirements, promoting awareness and ensuring compliance.

-          Measuring the company’s interim results and monitoring the progress towards the objectives.

-          Reporting a true and sincere picture of the situation to GK SAS’s management at agreed periodic meetings (say monthly).


  • Previous experience as CEO or any other relevant senior managerial position

  • Solid experience in Oil & Gas sector

  • Strong knowledge of the US market and notably Texas (knowledge of Mexico and Canada markets a plus as both are part of GKS’s territory).

  • Robust technical Background in Oil & Gas related disciplines (MsC)

  • Excellent written and oral communication skills

  • Good understanding of corporate finance (MBA a plus)

Salaire MINIMUM conventionnel annuel (devise locale)


Critères candidat

Niveau d'études min. requis

Bac +5

Niveau d'expérience min. requis

Supérieur à 8 ans

Continent / Pays

Localisation du poste

Amérique du Nord, Etats Unis

Adresse & Ville

Houston, Texas, États-Unis

Suivi par

Responsable principal

Laurianne LERESCHE