Wyszukiwarka ofert pracy VINCI

VIE - Quality Inspector F/H

Informations générales

Entité de rattachement

VINCI Construction Grands Projets emploie plus de 7000 collaborateurs et réalise un chiffre d'affaires de 2,5 md€ (données 2021). Héritier d'entreprises centenaires, qui ont associé leurs noms à des références majeures à l'échelle internationale, VINCI Construction Grands Projets maîtrise l'ensemble des savoir-faire liés à la réalisation d'ouvrages complexes.

VINCI Construction Grands Projets conçoit et réalise partout dans le monde de grands ouvrages de génie civil et de bâtiment : infrastructures de transport (ponts et viaducs, travaux souterrains, linéaires de surface et maritimes), bâtiments (tours de bureaux et de logements, parkings, aéroports, ouvrages administratifs et culturels), énergies et oil & gas (réservoirs GNL, centrales thermiques et nucléaires), infrastructures minières (accès, terrassements, travaux souterrains et à ciel ouvert, génie civil), infrastructures hydrauliques (barrages, stations de pompage et de traitement des eaux usées, distribution et évacuation des eaux) et environnement (systèmes d'assainissement et d'amélioration des réseaux d'eau potable, centres d'enfouissement technique).

Le haut niveau d'expertise de VINCI Construction Grands Projets et sa forte capacité d'ingénierie et de management de projets vont de pair avec une organisation réactive et une politique de partenariat avec les entreprises locales, lui permettant de déployer des solutions à la fois globales et modulables.   





E-mail du contact (mobilité interne)


Description du poste


QHSE - Animateur qualité

Intitulé du poste

VIE - Quality Inspector F/H

Type de contrat


Présentiel / télétravail ?

Sur site

Durée du contrat

18 mois


Employé/Technicien/Agent de maîtrise

Fourchette de salaire

25-34 k€

Description de la mission

  • The position of Quality Inspector perform inspection & testing of construction work and material related to quality control and quality assurance for the Quality department of the Ontario Transit Group team for the Ontario Line South Project.


  • Verify and confirm that the work at site is being progressed as per reviewed Issued for Construction drawings, shop drawings, Work method statements, Construction Quality Management Plan (CQMP) and respective Inspection and Test Plans (ITPs).


  • Ensure line items in the ITPs are signed off in real time basis and ensure all supporting documents are made available as soon as a line activity completed. § Ensure ITPs are documented and closed as soon as activities in the ITPs are complete.


  • Coordinate with Document Control team to upload completed ITPs. § Initiate Non-Conformance Report (NCR) for any work or material fail to satisfy project requirements.


  • Liaise with the relevant teams to provide proposed action to rectify the identified NCRs and follow up to close NCRs within the stipulated timeline. § Coordinate with third party testing companies to schedule inspection and testing activities of construction materials.


  • Ensure all materials brought to the site are complying with the project requirements. § Attend site specific meetings § Feedback and communicate on internal and external alerts or good practices relating to Quality, to implement quality culture on the project.


  • Monitor actual work progress with the schedule and coordinate with Construction Quality Control Manager if any delays observed.


  • Assist the team for internal, JV partners and Client reporting on Quality aspects.
  • Reports directly to the Construction Quality Control Manager or designee
  • Assists and works in conjunction with the Quality Team and other departments for the successful delivery of the project.

Work Environment : The job is mostly performed outdoors in construction sites.


 This contract is a VIE contract (voluntaring international in company), to be eligible at you must : 

1 - Age: you must be at least 18 and under 28 on the date of your application.

2 - Nationality: you are a national of a country in the European Economic Area (France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden and Monaco, Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway).

3 - National service: If you have French nationality or dual nationality, you must be able to provide your defence identification number, which certifies that you have taken part in the national census and the Defence and Citizenship Day.

4 - Criminal record: To become an International Volunteer, you must have a clean criminal record (bulletin no. 2) with no entries that are incompatible with your assignment.

5 - You must have been declared medically fit to carry out the assignment. You will need to provide a medical certificate attesting to this.


  • Bachelor’s degree or Certified Engineering Technologist in Civil Engineering / Architecture 
  • Prior working experience with Inspection & Test Plans (ITPs).
  • Proficiency in MS Office (Outlook, Word, and Excel).
  • Must possess excellent organization and communication skills, both oral and written.
  • Must be able to multi-task and work well in a fast-paced environment.
  • Document management software: SharePoint, Autodesk Construction Cloud, BIM360, ProjectWise, Procore would be an asset.
  • Candidate should be reliable and willing to work reasonable additional hours as needed/approved to complete assigned tasks.
  • Excellent problem solving and analytical skills
  • Documentation and reporting skills.
  • Teamwork and collaboration.
  • Comfortable standing or walking for long periods of time.

Salaire MINIMUM conventionnel annuel (devise locale)


Critères candidat

Niveau d'études min. requis

Bac +3

Niveau d'expérience min. requis


Continent / Pays

Localisation du poste

Amérique du Nord, Canada

Adresse & Ville


Suivi par

Responsable principal