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Project Manager
On site
Purpose of the job To provide leadership, direction and strategy at a competent level on one or a number of multi-disciplinary teams delivering projects such that the customer’s requirements are delivered and NUVIA’s performance and profit margins are met. Manage project start up and delivery and to meet time cost, quality, safety requirements and manage risk.
Reports to Framework Director
Key Accountabilities
Delivery accountability
Occupational Skills and Knowledge
Duties and Requirements
The Job Description is a broad statement of the purpose, scope, and responsibilities essential to performing within the role to a required standard. The role and responsibilities defined within will change with technology, working practices and redefining of roles, and the process will be reviewed as changes demand. The format does not require every single task to be recorded, instead the Job Description is written in a ‘generic’ style that permits flexibility but defines the boundaries of responsibility and accountability.
Bachelor's degree
Europe, United Kingdom, England, South East