VINCI job opening search engine

Information and help

You are interested in an offer, what should you do?

You are interested in an offer, what should you do?
On the mobility base you can find a list of job openings within the VINCI Group:

1st step: Find out

If you are interested in a position, phone or mail the contact indicated in the advert.

2nd step: The application
If this first contact confirms your interest in the position, it will be necessary to inform your HRM and your direct management of your intention.
Then you can apply for the position and meet the recruiting company.
The latter will confirm your appointment by e-mail and keep your HR manager informed by email.

3rd step: The transfer
Your application has been chosen:
  • Your present company will agree on your notice with your future company.
  • Your future company defines your employment and remuneration conditions and possibly the length of your probationary period.
  • Your seniority in the group is maintained.
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VINCI Mobility: Help
To look for one or several mobility offers in this base:
1 – Key-in the word or words to look for in the appropriate zone.
2 – Click on the “Find” button.

The search is then made on the whole content of the mobility offer.
- Imperatively avoid accented characters.
- You can either use upper case or lower case letters.
- You can look for the key word by typing the first 3 or 4 letters followed by the suffix"*".
e.g.: purch* will extract offers containing a word beginning by "purch".

If you have any problems, please contact by mail .

NEW: We have added the field "Minimum annual salary (local currency)". The salary mentioned is the annual conventional minimum salary for the position held. The actual salary will be adjusted to take into account parameters such as the remuneration policy of the subsidiary, the seniority of the employee, his qualification and his specific skills.

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